Thursday, March 1, 2012

Taking my new blog's virginity!

Okay... okay... I know I said no sexual comments on here, but I couldn't resist with that title! Plus I had to get your attention somehow!

So like the introduction up top states, I wanted to create this blog as a place to reflect on love and relationships because these topics rule our everyday lives. We all know that relationships can be full of joy and excitement, but also heartbreak. I want to tackle what makes a relationship successful and lifelong. I will also give advice on keeping your relationship exciting! I'm not an "expert" on this topic, but I have experienced my own long-term relationships (for good and for bad) and I have always been there for my friends (for good and for bad). I was a psychology major for my bachelor's degree, so I have had basic classes on human nature and relationships. I will also heavily rely on my research skills to find legitimate research and make sense of their results for you.

I invite you to make this a space for discussion, as I am sure you will have your own experiences to share and questions to ask. Let me know if there are specific topics you would like me to research. Looking forward to our future together! ;)